Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) by Mansun Guitar Chords

p If you are looking for Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) by Mansun using guitar or guitar. This song by Mansun can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) guitar chords has rhythm and included in Six (1998) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) by Mansun Guitar Chords/h3 CHORDSbrC 08.10.10.xx.xx.xxbrF xx.08.10.10.xx.xxbrG xx.10.12.12.xx.xxbrG# xx.11.13.13.xx.xxbrA# 06.08.08.xx.xx.xxbrD# xx.11.13.13.xx.xxbrg# 04.06.06.xx.xx.xxbrg 03.05.05.xx.xx.xxbrf 01.03.03.xx.xx.xxbrA# xx.13.15.15.xx.xxbrB. xx.14.16.16.xx.xxbrbrSpecial introbrbrprebr|--------|br|--------|br|--------|br/prebr|-9-9-9--|brbrprebr|--------|br|--------|br/prebrbrMain introbrbrprebr|----------------------------------------------------------------|br|------9/--11-11---------------9---------------------------------|br|----------10-10----------7/----10-------------------------------|br|-10-------------10--------------------10-9-------13s15----15----|br|-------------------10----------------------10----------15----15-|br|-----------------------8-----------8----------11----------------|br|------------------------------------------------------|br|-9--8-------------------------------------------------|br|-------7----------------------------------------------|br|----------8-10--------12------------------------------|br|--------------------------10-8-10--10-8-----11s13--14-|br|-----------------11---------------------8-------------|br|--------------------------------------------3--|br|-------------------------------------------4---|br|-----3-------0-------0-------0------------5----|br|---5---5---0---0---0---0---0-------------------|br|-3-------1-------------------------13-14-------|br|-----------------4-------3-----1---------------|br/prebrbrthen repeat all that, and also play:brbrbrprebr|----------------------------------------------------|br|----------------------------------------------------|br|---------------------------------------------12-----|br|--13--12--10----12--12--13--12--10----9--10------12-|br|----------------------------------------------------|br|----------------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrand continue to swirl about on those notes for a while, including this bit:brbrbrprebr|-------------------------------------------------------------|br|-------------------------------------------------------------|br|-------------------------------------------------------------|br|-13---12-13-12-13-12-13-12-13-12-10---12s17-12---------------|br|-------------------------------------------------13---13-14--|br|-------------------------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrAnyway, that goes on for a while. Then, we get into the meatbrof Special Blown It (as it's known to it's friends), which is:brbr[C]I've blown it in [F]every single [C]way,brscrewed every [F]single [G]chance that [G#]camebr[G]You're a [C]super star in [A#]waiting for the silver [G#]screenbrThen the pressure came [D#]- swept away in a ti[F]dal wavebrCould be [C]all of you, still awake at noonbr[D#]Blew my chances in a tr[C]agic flurry, sweeping [G#]apathybr[G]Buy all my food from the[A#] BP store when the [G#]night kicks inbrbr[C]I'm turning my [F]back on every[C]onebrI've blown every[F]thing I've [G]ever [G#]donebrbrI've [C]fucked it up, [A#]shot my loadbrg# g fbrSpewed onto the motorway shoulderbrg# gbrI could have been somebody specialbrbrTHIS NEXT LUMP IS PLAYED ALONG WITH THE MAIN INTRObrbrI'm not such a tragic waste of spacebrI could bring happiness to peoplebrJust one more greatest hits tour for the devoteesbrThe same old faces camebrThey love their summer spectacularsbrBy the grace of God could be up by noonbrAnd not a tragic waster but I can't stay focused for my apathybrThey could have bought me a brand new car and a house in FrancebrI've really blown it nowbrBlew it all away on a whimbrFucked it up, shot my loadbrSpewed onto the motorway shoulderbrI could have been somebody specialbrbr[C]Sat on my [F]own for far too [C]longbrThings could have [F]been so [G]different [G#]nowbr[G] [C]Life looks so con[A#]fusing through my window [G#]baybrJust to see a face,[D#] I'm really pleased when the [F]gas man comesbrCould be [C]all of you, still awake at noonbr[D#]Blew my chances in a tr[C]agic flurry of [F]apathybr[D#] all my food from the [A#]BP store when the n[G#]ight kicks inbrbr[D#]I've really [C]blown it nowbrG# A#. B.brBlew it all awayaybrI've [C]fucked it up, [A#]shot my loadbrg# g fbrSpewed onto the motorway shoulderbrg# gbrI could have been somebody special p If you want to learn Mansun Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate) guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate). Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
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